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Autism and Screen Time: Risks

Becky Moody

By Becky Moody

Many well-meaning family members and friends of autistic individuals express concerns over whether screen time may be detrimental to their loved one’s well-being. When it comes to screen time, like nearly all things in this world, it’s important to find a healthy balance.

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at the relationship between autism and screen time with a focus on screen time benefits. We saw how screens can help autistic individuals self-regulate, self-stimulate, express themselves, and find community with others.

A laptop and tablet on a dark desk. The tablet shows app icons, including Messages. The laptop is silver and black, creating a tech-focused mood.

Today’s blog post explores some common screen time risks. We will also examine some understandable concerns that family members and parents may have about their autistic loved one’s use of screens, as well as helpful ways to navigate those concerns.

Screen Time Risks: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Blurred image of a person holding their head in distress against a plain background. Motion suggests anxiety or confusion.

Even though screens and technology can have wonderful benefits for autistic individuals, that’s not to say that they are without potential pitfalls. Since autistic individuals are prone to emotional dysregulation and heightened nervous system activity, too much or the wrong kind of screen time can exacerbate these issues. Speaking from my own experience, there is nothing worse for me than spending hours being unable to calm down because of something upsetting I read or saw online!

There is also no question that our bodies were not made to spend all day staring at a screen. Whether you’re autistic or neurotypical, we can all agree that it’s no fun to have chronic dry-eye from staring at a screen all day. It’s also infuriating to try to fall asleep after scrolling through social media only to find that sleep won’t come. Furthermore, since autistic individuals often seek solitude, it’s safe to assume that much of our Internet usage happens when we’re alone. The people in our lives may not know what games we are playing, what websites we are accessing, and what people we are talking to.

Scams and extremist websites are real online threats for autistic individuals and neurotypicals alike. Sadly, autistic individuals may be more susceptible to being targeted by scams and extremist groups due to our trusting natures and our propensities toward black-and-white thinking.  

Navigating Screen Time Risks

If there are so many risks associated with screens, you may be wondering how you can avoid them while still reaping the benefits of screens. Let’s explore some techniques that you and your loved ones can use to maximize your screen time benefits while avoiding the unpleasant risks of screen time.

Transitioning from Screens to Another Activity

Blue alarm clock on white table showing 12:51, with a potted plant and a pink-striped candle in a bright room. Calm and minimalistic setting.

Parents may express concerns over their autistic teenager or young adult having meltdowns when their screens are taken away. One common way to mitigate this is to provide ample warning when it is time to transition to another activity. It may help to experiment with verbal reminders or by setting timers and seeing what works best.

As a child, I struggled with having to stop playing my computer game to have dinner or to get ready to go somewhere. My dad would give me a ten-minute warning so I could find a good stopping point in my game. He promised me if I still wanted to play my game, I could come back to it after dinner or when we got home.

The Context of Screen Time

When I refer to context, I mean considering where and how screens are used. These should not be rigid boundaries or involve micromanaging (especially since autistic individuals with PDA profiles may not respond well to these tactics…I know I don’t!) but instead healthy guidelines.

In my adult years, I personally find that setting a schedule for when I can use my

A ballpoint pen rests on a planner opened to a 9:00 appointment. The page is white with blue lines and spiral binding, conveying organization.

devices and being intentional about their usage is helpful. Since I struggle with sleep issues, a common piece of advice I am given is to completely stop using my devices an hour before I go to bed. However, this is not always entirely possible since I will use a meditation video on YouTube to help me sleep.

Therefore, I adapt this advice to my needs by discontinuing my use of all video games and social media apps an hour before bed.

I have also observed that I like to have background noise or engage with some kind of media while eating a meal. While having background noise can help me relax and quiet my mind when I sit down to eat, I also have to be mindful about what kind of media I’m consuming or how I’m choosing to use my phone.

Scrolling through social media, for instance, does not make for a very relaxing meal. It can be hard for me to enjoy my lunch if I’m having an argument with a stranger in a random comments section! However, it’s not realistic for me to have a technology-free meal, no matter how many people suggest that the key to mindful eating is to not have any screens in sight while eating.

Therefore, I compromise by putting my phone in another room to charge and listen through my wireless headphones while I eat. Usually, I listen to my favorite music or an audiobook. If my husband is home, we eat dinner together while watching a show we both enjoy (these days it’s either Skeleton Key or SpongeBob SquarePants). During these times, I leave my phone in another room to charge until the show is over.

Consider Your Media Consumption

Smartphone screen displaying app icons like Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and YouTube against a dark background, creating a tech-focused mood.

Another valid concern expressed by the loved ones of autistic individuals is concern over the kind of media they engage with. There have been times where screen time has left me more exhausted and overstimulated than I was before I started. Usually, this is because the content I consumed was either triggering or upsetting. Furthermore, social media can be fraught with exhausting arguments and can leave me feeling inadequate when I compare my life to the lives of people around me. 

Having honest and non-judgmental dialogues with your autistic loved one about the content they consume online can be a helpful step in making sure screen time is used effectively. For example, if you know your loved one struggles with certain triggers, Does the Dog Die (iOS, Android) is an excellent resource. The app lists common triggers found in thousands of popular TV shows and movies so you can be informed before deciding to watch a certain piece of media. 


Too Much Escapism?

One final concern is that screens are a waste of time and take people away from experiencing “real life.” Many autistic individuals use screens as a tool for refuge from “real life,” especially when we live in a society that is dysregulating, confusing, and often ableist. While it can be helpful for us to have screens as a tool to decompress and escape from an unkind world, it also raises a much larger philosophical question that I cannot adequately answer in this blog post – what can our allies do to help make the world a place we as autistic individuals do not need to constantly recharge or escape from?

Final Thoughts on Autism and Screen Time Risks

Like it or not, technology and screens are here to stay. For many autistic individuals, screens are an important part of how we self-regulate, organize our days, learn about our special interests, and connect with the world around us. While it’s true that screen time has its risks, these can be navigated with the right strategies and support from those around us.

Finding the right balance of screen time in your life can be challenging, especially in a world where there is an overwhelming amount of content available at your fingertips. It can also be hard to sift through which content will soothe your nervous system and which content is unhealthy. If you or your loved one is struggling with using screen time in an effective way, consider exploring work with one of the coaches at Thrive Autism Coaching who can help you come up with solutions to achieve that balance. 

Author Bio 

Becky Moody, best known by her stage name Alaizabel Cray, is a neurodivergent actress, dancer, and writer residing in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two cats. Her work and social media pages can be found at

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