Check out founder and head coach Patty Laushman in the media.
On this episode of The Hidden Workforce, Patty Laushman, founder of Thrive Autism Coaching and an ACRE and IBCCES-Certified Neurodivergent Life Coach, shares how she and her team support autistic teens and adults in navigating a neurotypical world. Through personalized coaching, they help clients set and achieve meaningful goals. Patty also introduces her SBN Framework, empowering parents to guide their loved ones toward success.
On this episode of the Adult Autism: A Spectrum of Uniqueness podcast, Patty Laushman, founder and head coach of Thrive Autism Coaching, talks about neurodivergent life coaching services that she and her team provide to autistic teens and adults to help them experience success as they navigate their way through a neurotypical world.
Each week on Explore the Spectrum, our host Jeanetta Bryant discusses the latest news and developments related to autism, as well as providing expert insights and advice to our audience. Be ready for anything by listening to what these insiders have to say. This week, Jeanetta speaks with Patty Laushman, an Autism Life Coach at Thrive Autism Coaching.
In this podcast episode, I turn the tables on host Reid Miles and interview him on his own podcast. He really opened up and shared a side of himself that he usually keeps sheltered from the public eye.
In this podcast episode, host Reid Miles interviews me about how I got into autism life coaching, about my amazing son, and about some of the struggles our family had in helping him thrive. At the end of the episode, I mention a special offer for Reid's podcast listeners.